Elder Petersen has been called to serve in the México Tuxtla Gutiérrez Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He entered the Mission Training Center in Provo, Utah on July 5,2012.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Travel Plans!! Airport and Phone Call!!

We were so excited to get an email from Jade that said he had gotten his Travel Plans!! That meant we would get a phone call!! YAY!  It was so good to talk to him... He flew out on Sept 3 (Labor Day) which was perfect because the boys had the day off and we all got to talk to him that morning!  He sounded so OLD!  So proud of this kid!!!  Love him to death!!!!!

Elder Pete leaving the MTC for the airport... Looks a bit nervous!

Here is his email the week prior:
Had some good ole cmputer time so I thought I would let ya know este noche I got my travel plans!!!!! We all did, except the peru kids, sucks for them but they still have tiempo! We leave around 6:30 am and then head to the airport, so I will be callin home around 7:15 or so at the SLC airport! I wanna talk to all of you of course so I will buy a call card for the airport here and yeah, YO SOY MUY ENTUSIASMADO!!! Me and elder jones and elder parker are on the same flight, guesss who our "travel leader" is, yup elder bass fish hahahah we all said we are gonna tuck him in a bag and leave him in MEXICO CITY. That is where our layover is for about two hours, so I guess I could call you there to..? We will see, anyway yup it's crazy only one more week almost! If the whole mission goes by this fast which I hear it goes by faster, I'll be home before I know it.. Crazy.
Anyway hope all is well back home! Miss ya all so much, but time is flyin. O and mom I'm not gonna send my SD card home this week or next, I am just gonna email the pics when I get in the field! And you will have to help me give em to Janae and stuff or send me some.. Anywho, I love you all con todo mi corazon!! I'll be talkin to ya on the phone a week from Monday and I can't wait! Your in myprayers!
CON TODO MI AMOR ---Elder Petersen:) Peace out
Elder Petersen calling home before heading to Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mexico!!

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